Monday, 4 June 2012

Growing Up Fast

Mummy has been very naughty and not updated my blog for ages....

You should see how much I have grown. I am growing so fast I can't keep up with myself. My legs are getting so long - mum keeps calling me lanky legs. They are going to help me run really fast and jump really well.  Everyone that see's me say things like "My, haven't you grown!"

Oh I have done so much since my last blog. I have started school now - I love my teacher - Lucy Osborne. She is really nice. We are learning lots of things like how to control my back legs - that is not easy cos they are so long and seem to just want to go anywhere - well, they obviously follow my front legs but not always in a straight line! The things Lucy makes us do makes me think about where they are. That way when I start doing agility properly it will be better for me. Like walking over the dog walk - I will need to keep my back legs in line with my front ones so I don't fall off - don't want to do that now!!!

I am also learning what a target is. Mummy puts this tile down on the floor and i have to touch it with my paws and lie down on it as quickly as possible. The quicker I do it the more pleased she is and I get a treat.

Oh and I also have another little trick which I learnt - again this is to help me with my back legs - Mummy has an upsidedown plant pot in the garden and I can sit on it with all 4 feet. I do this every day and I am getting very good. I don't wobble much now. I used to struggle to keep all my feet on it but now I am getting quite good balance.

Oh and here's some exciting news - Mummy has also bought us a tunnel!!!! I am loving it - i run through it really quickly and then mummy throws the ball. I have to do it really quickly or she doesn't let me have the ball. It's very good fun. Gemma loves playing too and Hizzy - we all get very excited.

I had a trip to the vets the other day - Gemma had to go because she had hurt her back. The vet gave her some tablets and said she wasn't to run about too much for a few days till she gets better. I liked the vet. He didn't like all the kisses I gave him though. He gave me some biscuits and then put something in my back. Mum said it was a chip but thats my name so don't know what she means. Apparently its a little metal thing that has information on it that can be read by a machine so that everyone can tell who my mummy is if I ever get lost. That won't happen though because I am not going to leave my mummy ever.

Catch you all again soon.

Love Chip - how can you not!!!!
