Hellloooooo my friends.
Glad you checked back to see what I'm doing. Well I have had a Christmas and a birthday so I have got lots of new toys and treats. Well - nearly eaten all my treats. you should have seen the size of bone I got. It was nearly as big as me :-)
We went to Grandpa's for Christmas eve and day. mmm - guess the less said about that the better really. We had to stay quiet and me and Gemma had to sleep together in a crate. We normally sleep with mummy in her bed so i wasn't very happy. Me and Gemma were ok tho. We had a lovely walk on the beach on Christmas day morning but Grandpa was a bit annoyed that we had brought lots of sand in to his house. He lives at Blackpool - what does he expect. ha ha. And he didn't by us any presents. Helen was ok tho - she gave us loads of treats and some of the turkey from dinner.
We came home on Boxing day - mummy drove all the way. We only really had to slow down once when the traffic was bad. We stopped on the motor way and i got a bit worried cos mummy quickly jumped out of the van. I wondered where she was going and hoped she wasn't going to leave me but she jumped back in waving a piece of paper around that she'd just picked up off the grass in the central reservation. Apparently it was a £20 note!!! She was well happy.
Anyway, when we got home we had a bit of a sleep and then we went out again!!! This time we went to Nana's house. She lives in Holbeach st Marks (whereever that is). Well, she had got a lovely house and she has got 3 doggies like me and Gemma and Hizzy too. AND she's got a lovely field that we were allowed to run around in. It was dark but there is a fence all around so we couldn't get lost and it was quite a nice night too. The moon was shining so we could see a bit. She said that she has got some agility equipment too so we said we wanted to go in the summer and play on it.
Anyway - that was Christmas.
Will try to get back to tell you more soon.
Thanks for reading
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Friday, 21 December 2012
Blimey - how long ago did I write in here. Gosh - I am nearly a year old now and growing up very fast.
It will soon be Christmas - my very first Christmas and I am so looking forward to it. Mummy said we will get lots of presents and will be seeing lots of people (mmm - must remember not to eat them). I am going to see my Grandpa (mummy's daddy) and his wife Helen. Gemma says Helen is really nice cos she gave Gemma loads of extra turkey when she went last time.
Anyway - need to tell you all about something not very nice that happened to me last week. Daddy took me to the vets and left me there with the nurses. They were very nice and looked after me quite well but they stuck a needle in my leg and made me go to sleep. when I woke up my naughty bits had gone. :-( It hurt a bit too. Mummy came and took me home. I wasn't very happy and had to have loads of cuddles with mummy. I think I slept for days!!! AND - we haven't been up the field and gotten all dirty since - mummy says I have to keep my stitches clean. Its been a bit boring just walking round the streets but I have chased a few bikes and stuff. Mum told me off for doing it but it's still fun.
Anyway - lets not talk about that anymore.
I am doing well with my agility - well, I think I am and mummy says I'm really good. Auntie Lucy is very nice and she gives me loads of treats. I know that at the bottom of the dog walk I have to stop and touch the different coloured bit at the bottom. I get treats when I do that. loads of them. And Lucy makes really nice ones too. Oh and I went on a weaving course earlier this month too. Just learnt how to do the first 2 weaves. Mummy and Lucy said I was quite good and picked it up quite well. Haven't done any since tho cos mummy hasn't got any poles and we aren't allowed on the garden at the moment cos it's too wet. I love doing tunnels. I think they are my favourite at the moment.
Must dash - toys to play with - will try to update a bit more often and will let you know how it goes at Grandpas over Christmas.
see you soon
love you all
Le Chip!
Friday, 7 September 2012
august 2012
Well I really have had a busy month and a bit. We (thats mum, Gemma Hizzy and me) went away for 3 weekends on the trot and we are all so very tired.. We went to the KC international Festival at Rockingham Castle, Dogs in Need show in Ipswich and then after being at home for only a few days we went to Dog Vegas last weekend. Gosh so much travelling. I met my mum and dad again at Dog Vegas. Not sure if they remembered me tho.
Whilst we were away a very nice garden fairy came and made our garden very nice.
Mum and dad have to water the grass regularly to make it grow and they do it with the hose pipe. Its really good fun - I chase the water round and round and get as wet as the grass. Its great fun:
As you can see - I really do have fun.
My legs have healed up nicely now from where the horrible man took my dew claws off. I guess I can't be cross with him because its all in the past now and i look a lot better without them. My brother Chilli has had his taken off too now but he had to have a full operation. He had his balls taken off too at the same time. Bless him. Mummy isn't taking mine off thats for sure.
I am still going to Lucy's learning agility. It's good fun but very tiring. And it makes me drink so much cos it's really dusty. I like watching the other dogs run too but mummy says I've got to be a good boy and not run after them when they are having their go and to wait my turn. Not sure if I can do that. It's all too exciting.
Sometimes I get too excited and daddy tells me off. I don't like it when daddy tells me off cos he shouts at me. I go running to mummy and she gives me a cuddle and makes it better. I can't help being a puppy. There is no need to shout so much really.
Whilst we were away a very nice garden fairy came and made our garden very nice.
Mum and dad have to water the grass regularly to make it grow and they do it with the hose pipe. Its really good fun - I chase the water round and round and get as wet as the grass. Its great fun:
As you can see - I really do have fun.
My legs have healed up nicely now from where the horrible man took my dew claws off. I guess I can't be cross with him because its all in the past now and i look a lot better without them. My brother Chilli has had his taken off too now but he had to have a full operation. He had his balls taken off too at the same time. Bless him. Mummy isn't taking mine off thats for sure.
I am still going to Lucy's learning agility. It's good fun but very tiring. And it makes me drink so much cos it's really dusty. I like watching the other dogs run too but mummy says I've got to be a good boy and not run after them when they are having their go and to wait my turn. Not sure if I can do that. It's all too exciting.
Sometimes I get too excited and daddy tells me off. I don't like it when daddy tells me off cos he shouts at me. I go running to mummy and she gives me a cuddle and makes it better. I can't help being a puppy. There is no need to shout so much really.
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Blimey - I can't believe I haven't updated this blog for ages and ages. You should see me now - i am sooo grown up - and I have started cocking my leg like a real dog dog. That was only just a few days ago - so much has gone on and i have been so busy growing up that I have just not had time to let you know how it is all going.
Where shall i start.....
I am still going to Lucy Osborne for training - I am getting on really well and I am quite focused when she sets me a few jumps to do. Well - they aren't really jumps yet - the poles are just about on the floor still but i can still run in a straight line. Mummy throws my toy over the last jump and I run to it very very fast. I point my nose forward and dive on my toy. It's great fun. we do lots of tunnels and jumps and then we have to practise targets on the end of the dog walk and seesaw. I'm not scared of the seesaw banging down. I just jump on the end of it and it drops down then i touch the target at the end. I think i am supposed to keep my back legs on the seesaw or dog walk but i don't always do that. Lucy or mummy put me back on it. I am just too excited to get to the target and get a treat.
I really love watching all the other dogs running too. I get very excited. We have been to a few shows and I have been to watch some of the really good dogs running. I got really excited once and mummy wasn't holding my lead properly and I went running in to the ring to join in but then they stopped and a lady got hold of my lead. She was the judge. She was nice but wasn't going to let mummy have me back. She said "Finders Keepers" which i think meant she wanted to keep me!!! Never ever would I go and live with anyone else tho. I love mummy far too much.
I also had a not very nice experience a few weeks ago. I had another visit to the vets. They looked after me really well but gave me an injection which made me really sleepy. Whilst i was sleepy they shaved some of my fur off my legs and then snipped off my dew claws off my back legs. Mummy said it's a good thing to do because when I start doing stuff like A-frames I don't want to be catching them and hurting myself so best to have them taken off. After that I was supposed to only walk around on a lead for a week or so and to keep my feet dry - yeah right!!! Mummy got some bandages and wrapped them round my legs so as to keep my stitches clean and then i could go for a proper walk. I would have been terrorising everything in sight if I hadn't been able to run around. I have so much energy i needed to get rid of it. They were really nice purple bandages so they looked good on me and matched my collar. Everything is healed up now and they don't bother me at all.
Here's some pictures of me having fun.
Where shall i start.....
I am still going to Lucy Osborne for training - I am getting on really well and I am quite focused when she sets me a few jumps to do. Well - they aren't really jumps yet - the poles are just about on the floor still but i can still run in a straight line. Mummy throws my toy over the last jump and I run to it very very fast. I point my nose forward and dive on my toy. It's great fun. we do lots of tunnels and jumps and then we have to practise targets on the end of the dog walk and seesaw. I'm not scared of the seesaw banging down. I just jump on the end of it and it drops down then i touch the target at the end. I think i am supposed to keep my back legs on the seesaw or dog walk but i don't always do that. Lucy or mummy put me back on it. I am just too excited to get to the target and get a treat.
I really love watching all the other dogs running too. I get very excited. We have been to a few shows and I have been to watch some of the really good dogs running. I got really excited once and mummy wasn't holding my lead properly and I went running in to the ring to join in but then they stopped and a lady got hold of my lead. She was the judge. She was nice but wasn't going to let mummy have me back. She said "Finders Keepers" which i think meant she wanted to keep me!!! Never ever would I go and live with anyone else tho. I love mummy far too much.
I also had a not very nice experience a few weeks ago. I had another visit to the vets. They looked after me really well but gave me an injection which made me really sleepy. Whilst i was sleepy they shaved some of my fur off my legs and then snipped off my dew claws off my back legs. Mummy said it's a good thing to do because when I start doing stuff like A-frames I don't want to be catching them and hurting myself so best to have them taken off. After that I was supposed to only walk around on a lead for a week or so and to keep my feet dry - yeah right!!! Mummy got some bandages and wrapped them round my legs so as to keep my stitches clean and then i could go for a proper walk. I would have been terrorising everything in sight if I hadn't been able to run around. I have so much energy i needed to get rid of it. They were really nice purple bandages so they looked good on me and matched my collar. Everything is healed up now and they don't bother me at all.
Here's some pictures of me having fun.
Monday, 4 June 2012
Growing Up Fast
Mummy has been very naughty and not updated my blog for ages....
You should see how much I have grown. I am growing so fast I can't keep up with myself. My legs are getting so long - mum keeps calling me lanky legs. They are going to help me run really fast and jump really well. Everyone that see's me say things like "My, haven't you grown!"
Oh I have done so much since my last blog. I have started school now - I love my teacher - Lucy Osborne. She is really nice. We are learning lots of things like how to control my back legs - that is not easy cos they are so long and seem to just want to go anywhere - well, they obviously follow my front legs but not always in a straight line! The things Lucy makes us do makes me think about where they are. That way when I start doing agility properly it will be better for me. Like walking over the dog walk - I will need to keep my back legs in line with my front ones so I don't fall off - don't want to do that now!!!
I am also learning what a target is. Mummy puts this tile down on the floor and i have to touch it with my paws and lie down on it as quickly as possible. The quicker I do it the more pleased she is and I get a treat.
Oh and I also have another little trick which I learnt - again this is to help me with my back legs - Mummy has an upsidedown plant pot in the garden and I can sit on it with all 4 feet. I do this every day and I am getting very good. I don't wobble much now. I used to struggle to keep all my feet on it but now I am getting quite good balance.
Oh and here's some exciting news - Mummy has also bought us a tunnel!!!! I am loving it - i run through it really quickly and then mummy throws the ball. I have to do it really quickly or she doesn't let me have the ball. It's very good fun. Gemma loves playing too and Hizzy - we all get very excited.
I had a trip to the vets the other day - Gemma had to go because she had hurt her back. The vet gave her some tablets and said she wasn't to run about too much for a few days till she gets better. I liked the vet. He didn't like all the kisses I gave him though. He gave me some biscuits and then put something in my back. Mum said it was a chip but thats my name so don't know what she means. Apparently its a little metal thing that has information on it that can be read by a machine so that everyone can tell who my mummy is if I ever get lost. That won't happen though because I am not going to leave my mummy ever.
Catch you all again soon.
Love Chip - how can you not!!!!
You should see how much I have grown. I am growing so fast I can't keep up with myself. My legs are getting so long - mum keeps calling me lanky legs. They are going to help me run really fast and jump really well. Everyone that see's me say things like "My, haven't you grown!"
Oh I have done so much since my last blog. I have started school now - I love my teacher - Lucy Osborne. She is really nice. We are learning lots of things like how to control my back legs - that is not easy cos they are so long and seem to just want to go anywhere - well, they obviously follow my front legs but not always in a straight line! The things Lucy makes us do makes me think about where they are. That way when I start doing agility properly it will be better for me. Like walking over the dog walk - I will need to keep my back legs in line with my front ones so I don't fall off - don't want to do that now!!!
I am also learning what a target is. Mummy puts this tile down on the floor and i have to touch it with my paws and lie down on it as quickly as possible. The quicker I do it the more pleased she is and I get a treat.
Oh and I also have another little trick which I learnt - again this is to help me with my back legs - Mummy has an upsidedown plant pot in the garden and I can sit on it with all 4 feet. I do this every day and I am getting very good. I don't wobble much now. I used to struggle to keep all my feet on it but now I am getting quite good balance.
Oh and here's some exciting news - Mummy has also bought us a tunnel!!!! I am loving it - i run through it really quickly and then mummy throws the ball. I have to do it really quickly or she doesn't let me have the ball. It's very good fun. Gemma loves playing too and Hizzy - we all get very excited.
I had a trip to the vets the other day - Gemma had to go because she had hurt her back. The vet gave her some tablets and said she wasn't to run about too much for a few days till she gets better. I liked the vet. He didn't like all the kisses I gave him though. He gave me some biscuits and then put something in my back. Mum said it was a chip but thats my name so don't know what she means. Apparently its a little metal thing that has information on it that can be read by a machine so that everyone can tell who my mummy is if I ever get lost. That won't happen though because I am not going to leave my mummy ever.
Catch you all again soon.
Love Chip - how can you not!!!!
Sunday, 6 May 2012
We went to Harsholme Park this morning and Hizzy and Gemma went running through the park to the lake in the Swanholme nature park. They went straight into the water so I thought"what the heck - that looks fun" so in I went. It was a bit wet and only a little bit away from the bank and I couldn't reach the bottom so I just floated. If I kicked my legs I moved along in the water. Woohoo - it was so much good fun.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Well we have had another very exciting weekend and I have met so many new people and doggies. I am soooo tired now. Mummy is too - she even fell asleep in the day time on Monday like i do and she’s heaps older than me.
We went to another agility show and although it was only in Lincoln where I live we stayed in the caravan because mummy was working in the big tent. Not only did I sleep in the caravan with Mummy, Hizzy and Gemma I didn't even have to sleep in a separate bed. I slept with mummy on her bed although there wasn't much room because Gemma wanted to sleep on mummy's bed too. Hizzy had the other bed all to himself - but then again, who'd want to sleep with him - he snores, and he's grumpy if you touch him!!! I was very good and although I had to get up to go out for a wee in the night I think that was only because we went to bed so early I couldn't wait all night. I was going to go outside but mummy said it was ok to go in the awning. It would be fine on the grass in there just for once.
I was a very good boy all weekend and didn't do much wrong really. Mummy left the toilet door open and so I nicked the toilet roll and chewed it all up and it made a lovely carpet of white on the caravan floor. Mummy didn't tell me off though - she laughed when she came back. I won't do it again though - once is enough. Must think of something else next time. Jokes run dry after a while don't they?

We went home on Sunday night and mummy made me sleep in my own bed again – she said there was too much that i might chew in her bedroom like her slippers and wires etc etc. I don’t mind anyway because i’ve got my own puppy dog to cuddle in there and it’s quite cosy. Daddy was away all weekend too. He went away on his bike on Thursday and took the tent with him. He went to watch some bike racing in Holland. Sounds a bit boring to me really but he wanted to go. I did miss him a bit but i really enjoyed my weekend with mummy. Daddy came back on Tuesday – I was pretty pleased to see him. Mummy had gone back to work and so we were all on our own when dad came home. He had had some rain and it had been cold but i don’t think it was as bad as we had had.
Anyway – must go now. Will update again soon.
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